Helpful Tips

Pro Marketing Tips


A number one piece of advice is that you need to put your customers’ needs first. While all forms of marketing should encourage your audience to eventually do business with you, your approach needs to be subtle and less self-serving. In 2015, your marketing strategy should focus on humanizing your business and automating things when you can. Become less machine like and more personal with your audience.


There are two things that are quite apparent where real estate spend their marketing dollars


1. 75 percent of a real estate agent’s business comes referrals and word of mouth.
2. But agents are still spending way too much money on new lead sources, rather than investing in their existing clients.



Call us crazy or not, but if most of your business is coming from your past clients and it costs you six to seven times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one, then you should focus your efforts on marketing to your past clients.  We ourselves at understand this, most of our sales is from our loyal past customer who come to us to continually order our printed products.

So for 2015, We came up with short list of marketing ideas that agents can use to really help grow their businesses.


1. Be Mobile and Responsive

In 2014, it could be said that going mobile was important in terms of you posting to your social networks while on the go. This is still true today, but this year, We want to stress the importance of being mobile accessible.

You cannot avoid it anymore. Your website and emails need to be designed for all devices and screen sizes and be responsive. Sixty-six percent of emails are opened on a phone or tablet. Facebook has more than 650 million daily active users on mobile devices. And mobile traffic to websites now accounts for almost 30 percent of visits. In short, there are plenty of reasons why you need to be sure that your business is mobile ready. If you need help in gettign your emails mobile/tablet friendly, Our graphics design team can assist you with creating a responsive email template fine out more here

How It Helps: Being mobile-friendly ensures whoever reads your emails or visits your website has a good experience and that this experience creates a positive professional perception of your business..



2. Use Animated GIFs in Emails

You’ve all seen animated GIFs before; they’re those soundless graphics that automatically play on a loop. They’re great for getting a quick laugh, but these days, they’re more often used to caption a situation and convey human emotion without using words. For example…if it’s Monday morning, and I’m having a tough time getting motivated, I might text or email this GIF with imagery that would reflect that to my friends:

Did you know that you can use Animated GIFs in email too? Our friends at NY Times have just release an article about using GIFs in emails. While you shouldn’t use them in everything you send, they do add a comical element you just can’t get from static images.

Even though GIFs have been around since the late ‘80s, they’ve had a resurgence in popularity. GIFs are a fun way to help show off the human side of your business.

One method has discovered that is a successfull animated Gif in emails is below your signature area. We have helped hundreds of agents create what we call the "Animated Testimonials" You might ask just what is it? Simply put it is an animated GIF of random client testimonials. They can be quite effective in your emails below your signature area. If you interested in our Animated Testimonals" for email, contact us and we can give you a quote from our graphics team on a cost to create the GIF for your and how to place in your email signature.



3. Business Card & Business Cards!

We here at just love Business Cards, It is true they are one of the oldest forms of marketing, but they still are very effective form of advertising.  Which brings us back to the intro of this article of being more human and personal. Not to mention the statistic show most of your real estate business comes from referals.  It is crucial to have a never ending stock of business cards to hand out whenever you have the opportunity. They assist with word of mouth advertising and also keeps your past clients in contact with you. We suggest whenever you change information on a business card or order a newly design business card you simply send a short note to past clients and provide them with a few of your new  Keller Williams business cards. We would be happy to create a new business card design for you or re-print a previous order you have placed with us in the past. We have all your artwork on file for re-ordering.



That's all the helpful real estate marketing tips we have for this week. Happy selling!